Sock- & Printtemplates
Download sock templates and print templates for packaging here.
If you have any questions or have problems creating the files, we will be happy to help!
Print Templates
Download print templates for your desired packaging here.
If you need assistance with creating the files, we will be happy to help!
- all our packaging is printed in 4C, not in Pantone (please create the data accordingly)
- all fonts must be converted to paths or the fonts must be sent separately
- Data transmission please as .pdf
Mandatory information on the packaging:
- distributor address (mandatory in the EU, can be end customer or your address, URL is not sufficient)
- Material composition (can be found in the templates)
- Washing symbols (only mandatory in Austria)
Optional information:
- Washing symbols (sequence must be strictly observed, see templates)
- Country of origin (Poland)